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Don’t Let Warts Spoil Your Warm-Weather Fun

three pairs of bare feet

There is little more exciting than the first signs of spring and summer. We get rid of the cobwebs of winter and get back outdoors. And the last thing we want to think about during our warm-weather fun is plantar warts. But with the warm weather also comes the danger of warts from using public showers and pools, cutting your foot or hand, or walking around barefoot. Today Dr. Hubert Lee at CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists in Bellevue, WA is sharing his tips to help you avoid plantar warts this summer.

What to Expect If You Get a Plantar Wart

Approximately 60 percent of plantar warts go away on their own because the body’s immune system kills the virus. However, they don’t go away on their own and are left untreated, they can expand up to 1” across and break into clusters and cause swelling, bleeding, or pain.

Warts can also return after treatment when the virus is still present. This is not necessarily serious, but it can spread to other parts of the body, especially if they are scratched. The best advice is to seek treatment from your podiatrist as soon as you notice the signs of growth.

Dr. Lee's Top Tips to Help You Avoid Plantar Warts

What are the Treatment Options for Plantar Warts?

It’s not easy or fast and it can take a few weeks up to a few months to treat because the wart submerges deep within the skin layers. And unlike other kinds of viruses that the body detects and fights, the wart protects itself in the skin so the body can’t discover it. 

Dr. Hubert Lee at CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists in Bellevue, WA is very excited to announce that he has a brand new and effective treatment for surface-based skin lesions, primarily warts – it’s called Swift. 

If you would like to get rid of your warts or learn more about the Swift treatment option, please book a consultation with us online or call us at 425-455-0936

Dr. Hubert Lee

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